Two competitions to conclude the season in Japan
Two competitions to conclude the season in Japan

Kyoto-Uji Synchro Juvenile Team (Credits: Roy Ng - 2024)
While the synchro community eagerly waits for the Senior World Championships, which will take place in Zagreb, the sport is still active in other parts of the world. On the weekend of 30-31 March, both Kyoto and Tokyo held synchro competitions.

On 30 March, the 71st Kyoto Prefecture Figure Skating Championships were held, and three teams from the Kyoto-Uji Synchro Teams took part in the competitions.
The Enjoy Synchro Open Age team took the ice first. This time, they had 13 skaters on ice performing their "Les Misérables" programme. This is the third time Jura Synchro reports about them this season (read the previous coverage here and here). There were several minor mistakes, but they successfully delivered the program with no fall. This time, all the elements were called at the most basic level, and so the 25.68 points received were for reference only. Back in February 2024, during the Japan National competition, some of their elements were called Level 2 or even 3.
The Enjoy Synchro Open Age team took the ice first. This time, they had 13 skaters on ice performing their "Les Misérables" programme. This is the third time Jura Synchro reports about them this season (read the previous coverage here and here). There were several minor mistakes, but they successfully delivered the program with no fall. This time, all the elements were called at the most basic level, and so the 25.68 points received were for reference only. Back in February 2024, during the Japan National competition, some of their elements were called Level 2 or even 3.

Kyoto-Uji Enjoy Synchro Open Age Team had 13 skaters on ice this time. (Credits: Roy Ng - 2024)
The Juvenile team of eight skaters then performed their Lion King program one last time. They had no fall and achieved 32.77 points. Again, all the elements were called at the most basic level and hence the score this time could not be used to compare against their previous results.

The Juvenile team of Kyoto-Uji Synchro (Credits: Roy Ng - 2024)
The final team taking the ice was the Intermediate team who finally have all eight skaters on ice. A fall during No-hold added blemish to the otherwise dynamic martial art theme program. There was no score this time since it was not graded.

Kyoto-Uji Synchro Intermediate team enjoyed support from home spectators. (Credits: Roy Ng - 2024)

The 32nd Tokyo Synchronized Skating Open Competition took place on 31st March. The only contestant was the Jingu Ice Messengers Intermediate team. Throughout the season they demonstrated continued improvement. They rose from 37.75 in August 2023 to 46.75 in December 2023, and then further from 53.55 achieved for the Japan National competition in February 2024 to 58.09 with no fall this time.

Jingu Ice Messengers Intermediate team as they performed during 2024 Japanese National competition. (Credits: Roy Ng - 2024)
The 2023-24 Japanese local synchro competition season has ended. Fans of Japanese synchro teams can now focus on Jingu Ice Messengers Senior team as they perform on Zagreb ice. After that, the Japanese competition scene will start again this summer when Tokyo usually starts the race season in August.