
An end of the season with masks and without any spectator


The Hot Shivers, here the Advanced Novice team, won in both events. (Credits: Giuseppe Bodrone / jundl PHOTOGRAPHY - 2021)

After the Junior and Senior teams, the Italian National Novice Championships took place last week in Italy. The team Hot Shivers won the competition both in Basic Novice and Advanced Novice divisions.

On April 18th, the Italian Novice Championships took place in Turin in the north of Italy.

Although the Covid-19 restrictions, the event was a success and nine teams, both from Advanced Novice and Basic Novice divisions, had one last chance to compete and show their programs before the end of the season.

As always the competition was organized in order to respect all the sanitary rules and avoid any contact between the different teams. No public was allowed, and everyone was tested for Covid-19 a few days before the competition.

Wearing a mask was mandatory off the ice, but some teams wore it even while competing. 

Team Ice on Fire Basic Novice (Credits: Giuseppe Bodrone / jundl PHOTOGRAPHY - 2021)

Basic Novice
In the Basic Novice division, Team Hot Shivers won the competition with a score of 46.61 points, skating on the soundtrack of the film "Tangled".

Team Shining Blades took the second place with 45.39 points, very close to Team Ladybirds who earned 45.24 points and ranked third.

Team Ice Sparkles skated on "Steps from the highlands" by Erich Kunzel and finished fourth with a score of 34.12 points. Team Mini Ice Angels finished fifth and earned 32.95 points with their "Wizard of Oz" program. 

Team Ice on Fire presented a program titled "The Nutcracker and the four reigns" and got 30.52 points, while Team Ice Breakers skated on the romantic melody of "Under Paris skies" by Jean Dréjac and earned a score of 27.39 points.

Team Hot Shivers Basic Novice (Credits: Giuseppe Bodrone / jundl PHOTOGRAPHY - 2021)

ADV picture
Advanced Novice
The winner of the Advanced Novice division was Team Hot Shivers who earned 79.41 points. They skated to the "Mary Poppins Returns" soundtrack and presented a very clean and well-executed program.

Team Ladybirds ranked second with a total score of 50.16 points.

Team Ice Sparkles Basic Novice (Credits: Giuseppe Bodrone / jundl PHOTOGRAPHY - 2021)

The end of a very unusual season
For all the teams, this competition was the last of the season.

This year was hard for everyone, some athletes have to stay quarantined for some periods and all the social distancing rules make it harder to train; however, the spirit was high and everyone was happy and grateful to have been able to compete.

"Despite everything, this year has been special for us. We are so happy about our achievements. This season has been very difficult, but we managed to grow together and create a very strong bond between us. Competitions felt different without the public, but our closeness and team spirit make up for everything," said Team Hot Shivers from Milan.

"Getting ready for this championship has been quite challenging. Until the very end, we weren't sure we could participate because of some skaters being quarantined, but luckily everything turned out great. We are very proud of our journey this year and we can't wait to start the new season," explained Team Ice Sparkles from Aosta.

This year there were also two new teams who debuted in the Basic Novice division, Team Ice on Fire and Team Ice Breakers, and this was their first Italian Championships.

"This was our first season and we are so happy that we got the chance to compete at the National Championships," said Team Ice Breakers. "It has been a very hard season, but we tried to get the best from it and to learn as much as possible," Team Ice on Fire added.

Nationals 2021 in Italy for Juniors and Seniors
A surprise after more than 20 years!

Results - TOP 3

Italian National Championships (Novices) 2021
Turin (ITA)
APR 18, 2021 - APR 18, 2021

Novice A
TEAM Score
1Hot Shivers Novice (ITA)79.41
2Ladybirds (ITA)50.16