
They plan to organize the event again in the fall


Team Moonlights from Sweden. (Credits: Elin Bryngelson Lidestedt - 2021)

For its first edition, the 2021 Nacka Synchro Skate gathered 47 teams from six different countries. This virtual competition launched this season could be reorganized once again this fall.

The 2021 Nacka Synchro Skate took place virtually on Sunday, March 21st. How was the event for you?

Jamie Hull, organizer and coach in the Nacka Teamåkningsklubb: Excellent!! We are so thrilled that so many teams were able to partake and it was so wonderful to see them all sharing their excitement from afar on social media during and after it aired. For anyone who missed the event, it's available to watch in full for free.

What do you remember from this first virtual edition?

The sense of the synchro community and, for many of the participating teams, their first chance this season to show off all their hard work! It was just so wonderful to see!

"Inclusivity is our main goal!"
Learn more about the 2021 Nacka Synchro Skate!
What was the hardest part?

The biggest challenge of this event was that all of the various jobs that are done in a normal competition are split across many people who all work together on-site. In this event, almost all of the work was entirely administrative on a computer and while it isn't terribly complicated to gather all the files and information, share them with the officials and then also cut it all into a broadcast, it is incredibly time-consuming!

How many teams participated?

We had 47 teams from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Hungary and The USA. They participated in the following levels: Pre-Juvenile, Open Juvenile, Preliminary, Juvenile, Basic Novice, Advanced Novice, Mixed Age, Junior and Senior. See the full list

If you had to reorganize this event next season, what would you change?

We plan to organize it again in the fall! (For those interested in receiving more information when it gets closer, register here!) I don't think we'll change much at all -- we feel it went quite smoothly! But we may divide up the administrative work a little differently, now that we have a better grasp on how that all works.

What are the advantages of a virtual competition compared to a live event?

Inclusivity! We worked hard to make sure that any and all teams who wished to partake could. We feel that is the biggest advantage of virtual events, as it eliminates geographic or monetary barriers that otherwise exist with live events.

Team Cosmos competed in the Basic Novice division. (Credits: Elin Bryngelson Lidestedt - 2021)

The goal was also to be able to offer something to the Swedish teams. How did they manage the event?

They did so well! We've heard from many skaters that they were thrilled to get to partake in a level with international teams as well.

You are located in Sweden. What is the current Covid situation there?

It's a bit of a rollercoaster with Covid right now in Sweden. Infection rates are high, and the vaccine is here, but supplies are limited. So everyone is anxiously waiting. We're glad to have been able to welcome some warm summer weather here in Nacka the last couple of weeks so that at least meeting a friend for a walk in the park is doable on occasion.

We've had a blast with these virtual events and are currently holding/planning three more (in ice dance, solo dance, singles and synchro)! We encourage anyone interested to check them out and register! And if anyone has any questions, please contact us at

Registration, rules and other information are available on the official website

Several synchro virtual events have been organized this season due to the pandemic. The first competition was the Porter Classic in early December in the United States. Then many organizers took up the concept in Europe.