We are Team Mirum, a Junior Synchronized Skating Team from Madrid, Spain. Our team was created three seasons ago, in the beginning of summer 2014. From our first season, our coach Amanda Hartman from Sweden wanted us to compete national and internationally. It was the best way to learn from experiences! This season 2016-17 we have competed at the Spanish Nationals and at Mozart Cup in Salzburg, Austria and we will compete at Junior Worlds in Canada this upcoming March. What makes our team particular is probably that even though we came from different skating clubs and had different skating levels, we've become a strong team in a country where synchro is not known. We will keep fighting for our sport to become more popular in Spain and all around the world!
Latest news about this team
See the rankings - last 7 results
Videos of this team
Team Mirum (ESP) - Junior - Short 2019/2020
JUL 13, 2020
Team Mirum (ESP) - Junior - Free 2019/2020
MAY 30, 2020
m Mirum (ESP) - Free 2016-2017
SEP 17, 2017