
A new international synchro competition is born


Head coach and founder of Team Le Soleil in Poland, Karolina Dabrowska-Pawlonka is in the organizing committee. (Credits: Piotr Snopek)

The first edition of Stars Cup will take place on 13 and 14 February 2021 in Torun, Poland. This will be the first time this historical city will host an international synchro skating event.

Believed to be one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, Torun is renowned for the museum of gingerbread, whose baking tradition dates back nearly a millennium, its large cathedral, the old town, and this is also the birthplace of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.

"Everything in our town is associated with the solar system. Even the name of our club and synchro teams Le Soleil ("sun" in French). We decided to call this competition "Stars Cup" because we believe that all skaters who will take part in our competition are really serious stars [on ice]," explains Karolina Dabrowska-Pawlonka. The head coach of Le Soleil teams is also involved in the event organisation.

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A "very nice and big ice rink", a "beautiful town full of world heritage monuments" and a location in the center of Europe... The organizing committee hopes that these assets will appeal to the teams that will be able to travel this season. This new international competition will be open to the following synchro categories: Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, Basic Novice, Mixed Age, Adult, and Junior (non-ISU).

"For many years, we are traveling around Europa to participate in synchronized skating competitions. We already organized synchronized skating national championships in Torun. Now we're ready to create a big synchronized skating event in our city. We would like to show to the synchro family, that we can offer them an amazing competition. I hope that some abroad teams come to us and try," continues Karolina Dabrowska-Pawlonka.

The ice rink in Torun, where the competitions will take place. (Credits: Wikipedia)

The first Stars Cup will take place on 13-14 February 2021. "It is the middle of the season, we thought it would be the best time for teams to compete," says Karolina Dabrowska-Pawlonka, head coach of Le Soleil. She will have this season teams skating in Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, Junior, and Adult categories.

"Of course, it's a little bit hard because we can't be sure what will be the situation in the future. The media are still speaking about some cases, but our life is absolutely normal. We can work, practise, shopping, walking, traveling, like before the pandemic. But we are optimistic, everything will be ok," explains the organizer.

Are you also working on another concept, maybe with fewer spectators, just in case?

"I believe that everything will be normal in February, but of course, if needed, we'll provide a restrictive health plan. Fewer spectators, more disinfection... We are ready for it."