
Senior Worlds: The reaction of the three medal-winning teams!


The 2022 podium! (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

Les Suprêmes (CAN), Marigold IceUnity (FIN), and Helsinki Rockettes (FIN)! Here are the teams who delivered the best performances during these two days at the Senior World Championships which took place in the city of Hamilton in Ontario (CAN). Reactions and beautiful phtoos... everything is in this article!

This is the first time that Les Suprêmes have won the World Championships. So far, the best result for the Quebec team was a bronze title won 19 years ago (in 2003)!

"We are super grateful to have been able to skate in our country and in front of our own crowd. It felt amazing!" began Marie-Eve Comtois, in Les Suprêmes for six years.

"It was amazing! The crowd was warm. It was just perfect; we were so happy!" commented Tessa Tamminen of Marigold IceUnity. The teams climbed from 4th after the short program to finally claim the silver medal.

For Helsinki Rockettes, it was definitely a fantastic audience too. "Of course, the world has changed since 2015 when we were skating here, but it was quite something!" said Nona Vihma, the team captain.

"I will keep this memory all my life!"
When Marie-Eve Comtois and Laurie Désilets, the team's captain for nine years, learned that they were World Champions, they were with their coach Pascal Denis near the ice to watch the scores of the Helsinki Rockettes. "We saw the result; we hugged and joined the team."

But the points hadn't been released yet, so the rest of the team didn't know yet. "We entered, and very quickly, everyone understood. We jumped, cried... I will keep this memory all my life!" explained Marie-Eve.

"Throughout the week, we repeated ourselves: we focus on the process and we stay on the main thing, having fun. We've had confidence for three years, and the result is there", continued Marie-Eve. Indeed, the skater said the year when Les Suprêmes did not qualify for the Worlds (in 2019) had the effect of a real boost for the team.

Les Suprêmes (CAN) (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

During the pandemic, the Canadian teams suffered a lot from the restrictions, and yet, upon their return, the Quebec team managed to win gold. "It's true that we were stopped quite often. Again this year at Christmas, we had almost a month off the ice, but I think our resilience and our determination were there at each practice," explained Marie- Eve Comtois.

Canada won its third gold medal in synchronized skating history. After Nexxice's victory at the World Championships in 2009 and 2015, it's Les Suprêmes' turn to make history.

A few pics
Some shots of the medal-winning teams during the free skates on Saturday night in Hamilton!

ADV picture

Marigold IceUnity (FIN) (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

Marigold IceUnity (FIN) (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

Marigold IceUnity (FIN) (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

Helsinki Rockettes (FIN) (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

Helsinki Rockettes (FIN) (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

Helsinki Rockettes (FIN) (Credits: Sean McKinnon - 2022)

To know everything about the competition
Discover the follow-up, program by program, of Saturday
And now?
Thank you for following these World Championships on Jura Synchro. In the coming days, don't miss our photo gallery proposed by our photographer Sean McKinnon, as well as the highlights experienced by a few teams during these Worlds.

During the summer, Jura Synchro will not stop. We will give you some great team stories and will, of course, come back by talking about teams' summer. Behind the scenes, we will also be preparing new features for the next season. To not miss anything, subscribe on Instagram, Facebook or Youtube and if you have any comments, comments or suggestions, our office is always open to you: ;-) we are waiting for your messages.

Thanks, and see you soon!

Results - TOP 3

ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships 2022
Hamilton (CAN)
APR 07, 2022 - APR 09, 2022

TEAM Score
1Les Suprêmes (CAN)236.31
2Marigold IceUnity (FIN)228.72
3Helsinki Rockettes (FIN)226.20