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Mixed Age and Novices categories opened the Cup of Berlin

The German capital hosted Friday afternoon the first competitions. Novices and Mixed Age teams present their free program in the Sportforum Berlin Hohenschönhausen.

Synchro season finally starts in Italy

What a big weekend for Italian teams. Novices, Juniors and Seniors went to Trento, a city located in north Italy to compete for the first time of the season. The goal was to realize a good technical score to represent Italy during the international competitions. 

Biasca Trophy 2016

Synchro season comes to end for a lot of teams. Some finished their season in Biasca, in the Italian part of Switzerland. Biasca Trophy gathered this year almost 30 teams from Switzerland but also Italy, Czech Republic, and Germany. Let's have a look at this competition.

Zagreb Snowflakes Trophy 2016

In parallel with the 2016 Junior World Challenge Cup, another competition took place in the Croatian capital this weekend: the Zagreb Snowflakes Trophy. This 13rd edition was held at the Dom Sportova from 11st to 12 March. A total of 8 medals has been distributed... but to which teams?

Spring Cup 2016 in Milan

More than 500 blades scraped the ice in Milan this weekend! Spring Cup 2016, in Italy, lived a great 22nd edition with a total of 32 participating teams this year in Novice, Junior and Senior categories.