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    Remo DE TOMI
    Founder | Journalist

    16 Articles

    "Over the years, I have been working with synchronized skating teams, organizing, communicating and promoting this sport. After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Computer sciences and working as a reporter in the media for several years, I specialized now in the world of video. Surrounded by several people, we found that it was important that synchronized skating has its own media and develops its community."

    What does synchronized skating mean to you?

    "Synchronized skating harmoniously blends art and physical performance. This sport deserves to be recognized at a much higher level. That's why we put all our energy to develop Jura Synchro."

Last news by Remo DE TOMI

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Simoeemil Nurmela: "Synchro skating taught me a lot of things"

He is the only male skater on the Finnish team Marigold IceUnity. Simoeemil Nurmela is our "Man of the Week". Discover this athlete through an exclusive interview!

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JuraSynchro.com: you have a notification

Jura Synchro continues its evolution on its website and on social networks. Several improvements have been made for this new season. Here is a quick look at the Jura Synchro's new features.

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"Team spirit is a key to success"

She is probably one of the youngest coaches of an ISU senior team competing at the world championships in April. At 23, Eva Cekanauska welcomes us to her home in Riga, Latvia to talk about her passion and about the teams under her leadership: Amber and Amberlight.

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Andrea Gilardi: "I feel butterflies in my stomach"

Today we meet a prominent figure in Italian synchro who comes from Milan. Andrea Gilardi, 50, opens the doors of his team "Hot Shivers".