Crystal Ice dominated on day one of Sheffield Steel City Trophy

Crystal Ice Senior from Russia finished first at Steel City Trophy. (Credits: Sebastien Muller - 2020)
The second ever Steel City Trophy kicked off this weekend 7-9th March, in Sheffield, England, with teams from around the world, in a variety of categories, coming to compete at an Olympic sized rink on the last weekend before Junior Worlds. After a hugely successful inaugural competition last year, Steel City Trophy has evolved quickly, attracting a record 74 teams in this year’s ISU and Club International Competition.
In first place in the short was Crystal Ice Senior from Moscow, Russia who wowed the crowd with their spectacular programme to a variety of classical music culminating in Carmina Burana. They gained level 4s in their travelling circle and No Hold Element and skated with such precision, each turn executed clearly that they created beautiful shapes across the ice in every element. Coupled with great expression and feeling, this was a superb programme. They gained 70.88 points.
In second place was Team Illumination from Eindhoven, Netherlands who skated an emotional programme to Dance for Me Wallis from the movie W.E. There was a lot of expression and feeling behind the skate and their gold and black costumes suited their theme beautifully. They scored 43.34 points.
In 3rd place was Icicles Senior from Nottingham, GBR who scored 39.48 points gaining a personal best in their short programme. They skated to a medley of uplifting tracks but seemed to really enjoy themselves when ‘Survivor’ came on and they pushed out, gaining a level 4 in their Travelling Circle.
In 4th place was United Angels from Stuttgart, Germany who scored 37.86 points to ‘Rule the World’. In 5th place was Team Phoenix from Liedekerke, Belgium who scored 34.39 points to Beyonce and Dixie Chicks Daddy Lessons. In 6th place was Sweet Mozart from Salzburg, Austria who scored 34.07 points to The Sound of Music. In 7th place was Zariba from Aberdeen, GBR who scored 25.59 points to a bluesy Praise You programme.
In 1st place was Crystal Ice Junior from Moscow, Russia. They dazzled with their programme to the Masquerade Waltz, wearing soft lilac costumes and lilting through their routine. They gained level 4s in three elements and showed exceptionally strong skating skills, with clean turns and deep edges. A highlight was their synchronised illusions at the end of their No Hold Element and they scored 71.81 points.
In 2nd place was Iceskateers Elite from Queensland, Australia who scored 27.82 points to a Riverdance inspired programme. They maintained the theme of their music throughout with some nice inflections to the music and had strong upper carriages which created some strong lines throughout their routine.
In 3rd place was Icicles Junior from Nottingham, GBR who scored 26.77 points to ‘Into the Unknown’. They had a few errors in their skate with a fall in their twizzles and an ice coverage error in their Moves Element which was unfortunate because they had a strong skate otherwise, clearly enjoying their new music.
In 1st place was Team Infinity from Kungälv, Sweden who skated in bright yellow dresses to the Lion King. They scored 58.72 points to a fast paced programme which attempted many of the more difficult levels and features but they differed.a fall in the Twizzle element.
In 2nd place was Butterfl’ice from Nuess, Germany who skated a fast and energetic programme to 90’s dance music. Wearing bright green halter-neck costumes, they attempted some harder levels but unfortunately got downgraded on their intersection. They scored 58.38 - only 0.34 points difference from first place!
In 3rd place was All Stars Gosport (GBR) who skated their hearts out to their samba inspired routine. They maintained their theme throughout the programme but suffered a collision in their Artistic Wheel which resulted in two falls. They scored 49.32 points.
In 1st place was Ladybirds from Milan, Italy who scored 32.44 points. Skating to Gay Purr-ee with Eiffel Tower motifs on their dresses, they performed a song programme with a particularly strong wheel element. They had strong grips, straight lines and some good basic skating.
In 2nd place was Novus from Sheffield, GBR who scored 26.85 points to an Addams Family inspired programme. They performed with some nice reflections to the movie to a well choreographed routine with a particular highlight being their Moves Element.
In 3rd place was Angels from Deeside, GBR who scored 26.53 points with their Sound of Music medley. They had a really good skate and they gained a personal best - celebrating together when their scores were announced.

Results - TOP 3
Steel City Trophy 2020
Sheffield (GBR)
MAR 07, 2020 - MAR 09, 2020
TEAM | Score | |
1 | Crystal Ice (RUS) | 207.89 |
2 | Team Illumination (NED) | 135.67 |
3 | Team Phoenix (BEL) | 117.97 |
TEAM | Score | |
1 | Team Infinity (SWE) | 58.72 |
2 | Team Butterfl Ice (GER) | 58.38 |
3 | Gosport Allstars (GBR) | 49.32 |
TEAM | Score | |
1 | Crystal Ice (RUS) | 206.05 |
2 | Team Icicles (GBR) | 99.52 |
3 | Iceskateers Elite (AUS) | 94.28 |
TEAM | Score | |
1 | Team Ice Fantasy (RUS) | 82.33 |
2 | Team Harmony (SWE) | 49.65 |
3 | Ladybirds (ITA) | 45.98 |
TEAM | Score | |
1 | Whizz Kids (GBR) | 56.67 |
2 | Team Unum (GBR) | 51.59 |
3 | Ladybirds (ITA) | 48.99 |