
5 Advent Calendar Ideas Created By Synchro Teams


The Finnish team CrystalBlades did on Instagram an interesting advent calendar. (Credits: Ville Vairinen - 2020)

Every December, synchro skating teams from around the world amaze us with their creative ideas to keep people waiting until Christmas. Here are the five best ideas this year!

1. A calendar to present
It has become something quite common in the world of synchronized skating: using the 24 days before Christmas to introduce team members individually.

However, the way differs according to the teams. For example, Nova Senior from Canada chose to use Instagram stories to talk about a team member every day. A good way to get to know athletes better through their age, their favourite synchro element and by giving fun facts about them.

Synchro fans certainly have noticed the beautiful Advent calendar created by the Helsinki Rockettes (FIN) this year. Every day, the senior team makes people guess who is hiding behind the mask (a very "current" theme chosen during this pandemic period). The photos are of high quality, and the calendar is a huge success.

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2. A calendar to explain...
A creative idea this year comes from the famous Finnish team Marigold IceUnity. The 2018 World Champions have decided to explain each day a term used by their team on the ice. They called it "MIU's dictionary".

We can learn for example that the finish pose of their free program this season has been named "the sun" by the team for a good reason, as the skaters together form a sun at the end of the performance.

3. A calendar for fun
Some teams are doing a great job in this section!

The Italian Hot Shivers teams, for example, had the idea of showing their most beautiful falls every day in their Instagram stories. "We have chosen this theme this year because it seems right to us to let a smile escape in this difficult period," writes the team. 

For other teams, the Advent calendar is used to deliver fun facts about the teams. For example, Team Spirit from Sweden explained that they love to "dress up in costumes and get into characters". Last October, the team even organized a Halloween-week when the skaters dress up for the training choosing different themes.

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4. A calendar for asking questions
The goal of the calendar is often to get to know the team better.

Since December 1st, the CrystalBlades Novice team (FIN) has asked a question on their Instagram account every day. For example, fans have learned that skaters prefer the boat to the plane, or that 80% of the team like to put pineapple on the pizza!

5. A calendar to remember
While waiting to be able to meet again and skate together, the French team Les Zoulous offers every day a "time machine" with old programs. For the fans, it is an excellent opportunity to remember some outstanding programs of the team, which also gives some interesting comments about each performance.

Another idea? What about the Miami University team (USA) calendar.

While waiting for Christmas, the team publishes every single day a special memory from the last 25 years. Indeed this U.S. legendary team celebrates this year a quarter of a century since its creation. For the most nostalgic fans, their advent calendar can be discovered on their Instagram account.